Saturday, May 15, 2010

Visit to a castle

I was told about "them" going on a trip, to a castle. I said I would gladly come along, as I like to discover old places, as you know.
There where mumblings about it being a "romantic" trip. I ignored that strange word and hope it´s not related to luna-tic or one of those other "-tic" words.

I arrived at the castle gate, after being a bit late getting out of the car, searching for my travel companions.

I knocked on the gates metal door, only then to discover that it was open.

Inside the gate tower, I found a very old stairway and tried to have a look up the tower, but it was locked.

I passed the tower gate, hanging there very menacingly, like big teeth, scary!

I went onwards, checking the 
Outer Ward of the castle.

I checked the castles old "pub", which has a huge wooden chandeliere. It was a good lookout, but no help in finding them.

I even looked down the very deeep well and in the little garden, but alas, no one there except some gargoyles.

Around the perimeter walls I went ...

looking out towards and down the river below.

I then decided to head towards the river and towards town, ...

... finally reaching Passau.

Here I took a rest on a fountain, with as many angels, as this town has rivers, as I learned later on.

I passed a Roman city wall ....

... and tried to orientate myself with this picture, standing at the juction of the rivers Donau, Inn and Ilz .

I was so depressed, that I sat down on the guardrail of a high bridge over the river Inn. It was very windy and I nearly got blown off !

At last, I was found and grabbed the helping hand! Saved.