Friday, January 31, 2020

snow-fun-time in 2020 @ Karpacz, Poland

Wintertime in Karpacz, Poland.

How it came about
I was thinking about how these last winters seem to have less snow than the ones before. I decided that something had to be done about it. I managed to convince my partner in crime, the dog "Lona vom Jünglingshof", to tell her "master" to travel to an interesting country, taking everyone along and it preferably being one where I haven't been as yet. Everyone being my new boss, Felix, obviously his dog pal Lona and the expedition crew.

The issues which had to be taken care of
As none of us are allowed to drive cars; by any law on earth that is; and we have to be driven around, most of the time.

The Expedition Crew
We assembled the expedition crew, us being the famous "Simba and Felix" Expedition Team, with the specialists, Ludwig, the fearless dog and Felix, the famous Adventure Rabbit.
We managed to have Lona convince her peers, aka. "Oma and Opa", to take everyone along on the  winter trip to Poland, them obviously being under the impressions of having arranged everything. For us it was a trusted and tried way of getting everything funded and the whole itinerary being taken care of, much to our comfort.

Here are some pictures.