The "Hirschberg" was chosen, close to "Tegernsee", a place I haven´t been as yet.
The hike was supposed to be easy, but it went up quite steeply.
Finally, I could see it.
There was the mountains cross!
A new species, I was going to be famous! I can see the headline before my eyes.
As you can see the cows where ordinary. They just had a cows bell around their neck but obviously enjoyed being there.
I decided to ride one downwards, it had been steep enough going up, but alas, this cow was far too full of mointaingrass. (must be them herbs which grow up there, they might have been hight or something!)
I tried to persuade one, but it didn´t feel like takeing me down, there grass here was much better.
and might pass by again some other time.